Besan Ladoo Recipe, Besan Laddu Recipe, Besan Laddoo, Besan Ke Ladoo Recipe

Besan Ladoo Recipe, Besan Laddu Recipe, Besan Laddoo, Besan Ke Ladoo Recipe

Thick besan makes the ladoo ever more tasty. Clean the besan by a filter and put it in a utensil. Mix one table spoon of milk in the besan and mush it.

Ingredients of Besan ke Laddoo:-

  •     Besan - 500 gm
  •     Ghee - 400 gm
  •     Sugar - 500gm
  •     Cardamom - 8 to 10
  •     Cashew Nuts - 100gm

How To make Besan Laddoo:-

Thick besan makes the ladoo ever more tasty. Clean the besan by a filter and put it in a utensil. Mix one table spoon of milk in the besan and mush it.

Pour ghee in a frying pan and heat it. Now put besan in the frying pan and roast the besan with proper stirring. When, the besan turns brownish and a nice fragrance starts coming out of the besan, add one table spoon of milk to the besan. Foam and granules will start forming in the besan and they will make the ladoos delicious. Besan will be fried, roasted and ready in 4 to 5 minutes. Turn off the burner. Put aside the roasted or fried besan for cooling.

Now cut the cashews into six pieces each. Peel the cardamom and grind them both finely. Even sugar can be grinded and used but instead if the sugar is melted and granulated and then mixed in besan, the ladoos will be even more tasty. This kind of sugar is available in the market by the name of Tagar.

The besan has cooled now. Mix throughly sugar, cardamom and cashew nuts in the besan and make round ball like ladoos in your preferred size.

The Besan Ladoo is ready. You can eat now or store it for even one month.
How to Prepare Tagar (Boora) For Ladoo

Tagar is a special type of boora, it's made from sugar only. For making ladoos, we use this tagar, because it makes the ladoos delicious. Let's prepare the Tagar.

Ingredients of Tagar:-

  •         Sugar - 1 Kg
  •         Water - 300 gm
  •         Milk - 1 table spoon
  •         Ghee - 1 small table spoon

How to make Tagar:-

Take a frying pan. Put the solution of water and sugar in it. Then provide heat to the pan. Stir the mixture with the stirring spoon in 2 to 3 minute intervals. Add milk when this solution starts boiling.

On top of the solution some dirty foams will start forming, take these out with a stirring spoon. These will clean the sugar. Heat the sugar's syrup for 8 to 10 minutes. This will become a really thick and transparent syrup. Put one drop of syrup on a plate. Very soon this drop will start freezing, you will also see some amount of freezing sugar in the upper part of the pan.

Turn off the burner and mix small spoon of ghee to the mixture(so that lumps don't form) . Now cool this solution while stirring. After cooling it becomes Tagar – The same bhura that we use to make ladoos.


You can prepare this tagar and it can also

be stored for about 2 to 3 months.
Tagar is a special type of boora, it's made from sugar only. For making ladoos, we use this tagar, because it makes the ladoos delicious. Let's prepare the Tagar.
