Mathura Peda Recipe

Mathura Peda Recipe

There is no other Peda found in the world which can beat the delicious taste of Mathura Peda. If you take just one bite of the traditionally prepared Mathura Peda, you will end up having at least 4 of them. Let us prepare Mathura Peda today.

Ingredients for Mathura Peda:-

  •         Khoya/Mawa - 500 grams ( 2 1/2 cup)
  •         Tagar - 500 grams ( 2 1/2 cup)
  •         Ghee - 1-2 tbsp/ 1/2 cup milk
  •         Elaichi(cardamom) - 8-10(peeled and grounded)

How to prepare Mathura Pedha:-

Take a heavy pan(Kadhai)and fry Mawa  in it. Stir Mawa continuously while frying, not letting it stick at the bottom of the pan. Whenever Mawa changes its color when you fry it , add little Ghee or milk. Stir and fry till Mawa's color turn brown completely..

Allow Mawa to cool off, when its completely cooled mix 400 grams(2 cup) Tagar followed by Elaichi powder and blend properly. The mixture required to prepare Pedas is ready.

Keep the leftover 100 grams Tagar on a plate. Take some amount(lemon sized) of the mixture and rollit with your hands. Wrap this ball with Tagar on the plate and press with your hands giving it a shape. Place the prepared Peda on a plate/tray, repeat this process one by one. You can see that awesome Mathura Pedas are ready.

Now you can eat these Mathura Pedas, leave the remaining under a fan. The wind from the fan will make them dry. These Pedas can be stored in  an air tight container and you can have them whenever you desire. If the Mawa has been fried well the Pedas stay fresh for a month.
