Doodhi ka halwa Bottle Gourd Halwa

Doodhi ka halwa Bottle Gourd Halwa

Vegetable, Koftas and Gulaab Lacha are common dishes made with Lauki (Gourd). Today we will try a different recipe from Gourd - Gourd Halwa. Many kids are not much fond of eating Gourd in any  form, but i am sure they will love this sweet form of Gourd.

Ingredients for Gourd (lauki) Halwa

  • Gourd (lauki) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 gms.
  • Mawa - 200 gms.
  • Desi ghee -  50 gms. (2 table spoon)
  • Raisins - 25-30 gms. (break the stems and wash)
  • Cashews - 25-30 (cut each into 4 parts)
  • Cardamom - 8-10 (peel and beat it)

Method - How to make lauki ka halwa

Wash, peel and grate the gourd. Grate the gourd from all the four corners leaving the center part consisting of seeds. You can grate it in a food processor also.
Put the grated gourd into the pan. Add sugar and stir it continuously. On boiling the gourd will start leaving a certain amount of water in the pan.  Stir it after every 5 minutes and cook till the water gets totally evaporated.
Once the water evaporates completely, add ghee and cook it for 6-7 minutes. After that add mawa, cashews, and raisins into the halwa and stir it. Cook it for another 5-6 minutes. Gourd Halwa is ready. Turn off the flame and mix cardamom to it.
Take it out in a serving dish. Garnish with cashews and serve it hot.